52. α-Amino-β-Carboxymuconate-ε-Semialdehyde Decarboxylase Catalyzes Enol/Keto Tautomerization of Oxaloacetate
Yang Y.; Davis I.; Altman R. A.; Liu A.*

40. Diflunisal Derivatives as Modulators of ACMS Decarboxylase Targeting the Tryptophan-Kynurenine Pathway
Yang, Y.; Borel, T.; de Azambuja, F.; Johnson, D.; Sorrentino, J. P.; Udokwu, C.; Davis, I.; Liu, A.;* Altman, R. A.*

27. Stepwise O-Atom Transfer in Heme-based Tryptophan Dioxygenase: The Role of Substrate Ammonium in the Epoxide Ring Opening
Shin, I.; Ambler, B. R.; Wherritt, D.; Griffith, W.; Maldonado, A.; Altman, R. A.; Liu, A.*